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Promote Healthier Ecosystems With the Right Compost for Soil Enrichment

Compost testing is a crucial process that evaluates the quality and nutrient content of compost, a nutrient-rich soil amendment derived from organic waste. It involves analyzing the nutrient levels, pH balance, potential contaminants, and suitability for various applications. Compost testing evaluates the concentrations of essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK), guiding users in determining the effectiveness of compost in enriching soil fertility. It measures pH to ensure the compost aligns with the preferred pH range of target plants. The percentage of organic matter in compost determines its ability to improve soil structure, water retention, and nutrient-holding capacity. Contaminant screening identifies harmful elements that could affect soil health or human safety. The carbon-to-nitrogen ratio is crucial for efficient compost decomposition.

scientists in a greenhouse testing soil and compost

The Importance of Compost Testing

Compost testing is important for optimal nutrient management, soil health improvement, environmental safety, customized applications, and waste diversion. By understanding the nutrient content, pH balance, and potential contaminants, we can select the right compost for soil enrichment, promoting sustainable practices and healthier ecosystems.

Tests & Methods Involved:

The following list is of the Analyte involved in compost testing and its corresponding method.
TMECC = Test Method for Examining of Composting and Compost:


  • TMECC_0201 – Sample Collection and Laboratory Preparation: Field Sampling of Compost Materials
  • TMECC_0202 – Sample Collection and Laboratory Preparation: Laboratory Sample Preparation for Analysis
  • TMECC_0301 – Physical Examination: Air Capacity
  • TMECC_0302 – Physical Examination: Ash
  • TMECC_0303 – Physical Examination: Bulk Density
  • TMECC_0304 – Physical Examination: Wettability
  • TMECC_0305 – Physical Examination: Film Plastics
  • TMECC_0306 – Physical Examination: Glass Shards, Metal Fragments, and Hard Plastics
  • TMECC_0307 – Physical Examination: Process to Reduce Sharps
  • TMECC_0308 – Physical Examination: Man Made Inerts
  • TMECC_0309 – Physical Examination: Total Solids and Moisture
  • TMECC_0310 – Physical Examination: Water Holding Capacity
  • TMECC_0401 – Chemical Properties: Organic Carbon
  • TMECC_0402 – Chemical Properties: Nitrogen
  • TMECC_0403 – Chemical Properties: Phosphorus
  • TMECC_0404 – Chemical Properties: Potassium
  • TMECC_0405 – Chemical Properties: Secondary and Micro-Nutrient Content
  • TMECC_0406 – Chemical Properties: Heavy Metals and Hazardous Elements
  • TMECC_0407 – Chemical Properties: Other Elements
  • TMECC_0408 – Chemical Properties: Inorganic Carbon
  • TMECC_0409 – Chemical Properties: Cation Exchange Capacity
  • TMECC_0410 – Chemical Properties: Electrical Conductivity for Compost
  • TMECC_0411 – Chemical Properties: Electrometric pH Determinations
  • TMECC_0412 – Chemical Properties: Digestion Techniques
  • TMECC_0413 – Chemical Properties: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
  • TMECC_0414 – Chemical Properties: Inductively Coupled Plasma Analysis
  • TMECC_0415 – Chemical Properties: Soluble Salts
  • TMECC_0501 – Organic and Biological Properties: Biodegradable Volatile Solids
  • TMECC_0502 – Organic and Biological Properties: Indicator Ratios
  • TMECC_0503 – Organic and Biological Properties: Color
  • TMECC_0504 – Organic and Biological Properties: Enzyme Activity and Analysis
  • TMECC_0505 – Organic and Biological Properties: Biological Assays
  • TMECC_0506 – Organic and Biological Properties: Odor
  • TMECC_0507 – Organic and Biological Properties: Organic Matter
  • TMECC_0508 – Organic and Biological Properties: Respirometry
  • TMECC_0509 – Organic and Biological Properties: Viable Weed in Compost
  • TMECC_0510 – Organic and Biological Properties: Volatile Fatty Acids
  • TMECC_0600 – Synthetic Organic Compounds: Analysis of Synthetic Organic Chemicals in Compost
  • TMECC_0700 – Pathogens: Introduction to Pathogen Testing
  • TMECC_0701 – Pathogens: Coliform Bacteria
  • TMECC_0702 – Pathogens: Salmonella
  • TMECC_0703 – Pathogens: Enterococci
  • TMECC_0704 – Pathogens: Parasitic Helminths
  • TMECC_0705 – Pathogens: Recovery and Assay of Total Culturable Viruses

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