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Metals testing is crucial in environmental analysis for safeguarding human health and the environment. It helps assess potential health risks to humans, assess environmental impact assessment, ensure regulatory compliance, guide remediation and clean-up efforts, and protect aquatic ecosystems. The process involves sample collection, sample preparation, analytical techniques, quality control, and data interpretation. Metals testing helps identify potential risks, assess compliance, and guide decision-making, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment for current and future generations. By monitoring metal levels and taking appropriate actions, metals testing plays a pivotal role in environmental management, health protection, and sustainability efforts.


  • Aluminum
  • Antimony
  • Arsenic
  • Barium
  • Beryllium
  • Bismuth
  • Boron
  • Cadmium
  • Calcium
  • Chromium
  • Cobalt
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Lithium
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Mercury
  • Molybdenum
  • Nickel
  • Palladium
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Platinum
  • Selenium
  • Silicon
  • Silver
  • Sodium
  • Strontium
  • Sulfur
  • Thallium
  • Thorium
  • Tin
  • Titanium
  • Tungsten
  • Vanadium
  • Zinc
  • Zirconium

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Organics testing is crucial for environmental analysis, risk assessment, and ensuring the safety and well-being of humans and the environment. It assesses the presence and levels of various organic compounds, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), alcohols/glycols, petroleum hydrocarbons, pesticides/herbicides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), phthalates, and other complex organic compounds. Organics testing helps assess potential health risks, environmental impact assessment, regulatory compliance, and remediation efforts. Analytical techniques like GC-MS, HPLC, and SPME enable the identification and quantification of organic compounds in environmental samples, enabling informed decisions to protect natural resources and ecosystems.

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
    • VOA – List by GC/MS 8260
    • VOA (BTEX) by GC/MS 624.1/8260
    • VOA by GC/MS 624/8260
    • VOA by GC/MS 624.1/8260
    • VOA Drinking Water by GC/MS 524.2
  • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TNRCC 1005)
  • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TNRCC 1006)
  • Gasolines Range Organics
  • Diesel Range Organics
    • TPH as Diesel (DRO) by GC 8015
    • TPH as Gasoline (GRO) by GC 8015
      • Petroleum Hydrocarbons Finger Print by GC 8015
  • Pesticides
    • Pesticides by GC 608/8081
    • Pesticides/PCBs by GC 608.1/8081/8082
      • OrganoPhosphorous Pesticides
  • Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs)
    • BN (SVOC-Base Neutral Extractables) by GC/MS 625.1/8270
    • BNA (SVOC Base Neutral & Acid Extractables) by GC/MS 625/8270
      • SVOC by GC/MS 625.1/8270
  • Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH)
    • PAH’s by GC/MS 625.1/8270
  • Alcohols by GC/FID
  • Glycols (including ethylene glycol) by GC/FID
  • Perchlorate
  • Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
  • PFAS
  • Herbicides
  • Haloacetic Acids (HAA5)
  • Trihalomethanes (TTHM)
  • OrganoPhosphorous Pesticides
  • Oxides (including ethylene oxide) by GC/FID
  • RSK 175
  • Aldehydes by HPLC
  • Nicotene

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PCBs are hazardous organic pollutants that have the potential to seriously disrupt both human health and ecosystems. They persist and bioaccumulate in living things, which can cause health problems. To monitor and manage PCB pollution, environmental organizations and regulatory bodies like the EPA have created stringent rules. Environmental evaluations, site cleanup, and risk management all depend on PCB testing. To ensure accurate results and adherence to regulatory standards, laboratories should utilize EPA-approved procedures that entail extraction, purification, and quantification techniques.

  • PCB in Air 5503 mod
  • PCBs – Air Sample via TO-10
  • PCBs – Air Sample via TO-4
  • PCBs – Bulk Sample, Caulk / Concrete / Paint Chips via EPA SW-846 3540/8082
  • PCBs – Oil Sample via EPA SW-846 3580/8082
  • PCBs – Wipe Sample via EPA SW-846 3550C/8082
  • Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) via EPA SW-846 355C/8082/608.3

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Testing for TCLPs (Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedures) is an essential part of managing hazardous waste and adhering to regulations. It assesses the likelihood that hazardous waste disposed of in landfills or other waste disposal facilities will release toxic elements. The findings assist in identifying if a waste substance is considered hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) in the United States and other laws with a similar purpose in other nations. The test assesses the waste’s corrosion, ignitability, reactivity, and toxicity, which are its four key properties. Some laboratories also offer TCLP BNA (Base Neutral and Acid Extractables) testing, which assesses the leaching potential of additional hazardous elements. The test simulates landfill conditions using an extraction fluid with a predetermined pH. For regulatory compliance, waste characterization, risk assessment, and pollution prevention, TCLP testing is crucial. TCLP testing motivates waste generators to take pollution prevention measures and lower the production of hazardous materials by identifying hazardous elements in waste. Overall, TCLP testing is an essential instrument for evaluating hazardous waste, assuring ethical handling and disposal, and safeguarding ecological integrity.

  • Corrosivity (Performed as pH)
  • FULL TCLP-Metals, Volatiles, Semi-Volatiles, Pesticides, Herbicides
  • Ignitability
  • RCRA Characterization (RCI)
  • Reactivity Total Cyanide & Total Sulfide
  • TCLP Metals
  • TCLP BNA via 1311/8270
  • TCLP Herbicides via 1311/8151
  • TCLP Pesticides via 1311/8081
  • TCLP VOA via 1311/8260

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Wet Chemistry:

A vital tool for evaluating the health of the ecosystem and the quality of the water is wet chemistry testing. To ascertain the presence and concentration of numerous parameters that may have an impact on aquatic ecosystems and the safety of human use, chemical studies of water samples are conducted. The tests are carried out in a laboratory setting and make use of different chemical reactions to gauge particular water characteristics. Wet chemistry testing involves a number of different parameters, some of which include pH, BOD, COD, turbidity, DO, and chemical components. Wet chemistry testing yields information that is useful for evaluating water quality, analyzing environmental impacts, and ensuring regulatory compliance. It assists in locating probable sources of contamination, assessing water treatment procedures, and tracking long-term changes in water quality. In order to maintain a healthy aquatic ecosystem and ensure that water is safe for human consumption, recreational activities, and other uses, it is essential. Overall, wet chemistry testing is essential for preserving the health of the environment, aquatic life, and water resources.

  • Acidity
  • Alkalinity, Total
  • Anions GROUP SCAN by Ion Chromatography
  • ASTM Leachate
  • BOD Carbonaceous (5 Day/20 Day)
  • BOD-Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5 Day/20 Day)
  • Bromide
  • Carbon – Total Organic (TOC)
  • Chemical Oxygen Demand
  • Chloramines
  • Chloride
  • Chlorine – Total Residual / Chloramines
  • Chromium, Hexavalent (soil)
  • Chromium, Hexavalent (water)
  • Color
  • Cyanide
  • Cyanide / Amenable Cyanide
  • Dissolved Oxygen
  • Flash Point
  • Fluoride
  • Free Liquid Test
  • Hardness
  • Langlier Index
  • MBAS (Surfactants)
  • Nitrate as N
  • Nitrite as N
  • Nitrogen – Ammonia
  • Nitrogen – Organic
  • Nitrogen – Total Kjeldahl (TKN)
  • Oil & Grease (SGT-HEM)
  • Oil and Grease (HEM)
  • Ortho-Phosphate, as P
  • pH
  • pH – Solid (<20% H2O)
  • Phenols
  • Phosphorus – Total as P
  • Reactivity, Cyanide
  • Reactivity, Sulfide
  • Solids, Settleable
  • Solids, Total
  • Solids, Total Dissolved
  • Solids, Total Suspended
  • Solids, Total Volatile
  • Specific Conductance (Conductivity)
  • Specific Gravity
  • Sulfate
  • Sulfide – Aqueous
  • Sulfide – Solid
  • Turbidity

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Other Environmental Testing:

We provide an array of additional environmental tests to cater to specific needs. From mercury and pesticides to solids analysis and total dissolved solids, our comprehensive testing capabilities ensure a holistic approach to environmental assessments.

  • Ash
  • BN – NYS STARS list by GC/MS 8270E
  • BNA + 25 by GC/MS 625/8270C
  • BOD – Total
  • BTU / lb.
  • Chlorine – Demand
  • Chromium Hexavalent (Aqueous Samples)
  • Chromium, Hexavalent (Solid Samples)
  • COD
  • Coliforms – Fecal
  • Coliforms – Total
  • Conductivity
  • Cyanide – Amenable to Chlorination
  • Cyanide – Total
  • Density
  • Fecal Streptococcus
  • Halogen – Total Organic (TOX)
  • Mercury (Hg)
  • Moisture (%)
  • Nitrogen – Nitrate
  • Nitrogen – Nitrate / Nitrite
  • Non-Volatile Extraction
  • Odor
  • Oxygen – Dissolved
  • Paint Filter Test / Free Liquids
  • Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH-IR)
  • Petroleum Hydrocarbons NJDEP-OQA-QAM-025
  • Phenolics
  • Phosphorus – Orthophosphate
  • Priority Pollutant Metals (13)
  • Priority Pollutants (PP List) + 40
  • Reactivity, Cyanide
  • Solids, Total Fixed Suspended
  • Solids, Total Volatile Suspended
  • Standard Plate Count
  • Sulfide – Reactive
  • Sulfide – Total
  • Sulfides – Acid Sol. and Insol.
  • Sulfite
  • Surfactants (MBAS)
  • TAL & TCL+ 30
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
  • Total Solids
  • Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
  • Total Volatile Solids
  • Water (%) – Karl Fischer

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