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TTI Labs:

35+ Years of Premier Environmental, Microbiological, Product, and Comprehensive Analytical Testing and Consulting Services Serving Various Industries

Comprehensive Testing and Consulting Services

A Professional Testing and Consulting Company Located in DFW Metroplex, Serving the Nation

TTI Labs began performing environmental, pharmaceutical, bacterial, and viral site testing for DFW businesses in 1989. As a family-owned and -operated company, we appreciate the value of personalized service. No two testing sites are the same – so why would we provide cookie-cutter solutions? Instead, we assess the situation and formulate a testing plan that suits your needs while maintaining sound scientific protocols. We can address water, waste water, soil, solid waste, landfill, viral and bacterial contamination in numerous industries.

We Offer Emergency and Proactive Testing Services

If you are facing an environmental, industrial, state, federal, or regulatory agencies emergency situation where you require sampling and testing the first step is to contact our professional team. Whether it is a waste stream, stored waste, water or soil contamination or checking your water, soil, air for regulatory or non-regulatory requirements, we can help. You need a comprehensive testing regimen before you can resolve the problem. We’re extraordinary under pressure, but we also provide proactive services. You can schedule our services proactively to ensure that your facility is in compliance with the state or federal regulations be it EPA, FDA, ISO or Aviation standards.

Environmental Testing
Water Testing
Soil Testing
Hospital Hygiene & Cooling Tower Testing
IAQ / LEED Testing
Aerospace Testing
Oilfield Testing
Coal and Coke Testing
Pharmaceutical Testing
Other Testing Services

You Can Trust Our Extensively-Certified Testers

Our employees possess extensive education – including PhDs. You can trust them to collect and analyze data without error, allowing you to continue serving your clients. After all, in environments where cleanliness is paramount, environmental, microbiological, or any other contamination is potentially business-altering. TTI Labs is certified by ISO 17025, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA). These certifications prove our ability to deliver fast turnaround times, emergency response services, and defensible data.

Scientist pipetting samples into tubes

You Name It; We Can Test It

Expertise and experience pay off in the end. Our clients receive top-flight testing services built on a comprehensive understanding of scientific protocols. Our knowledge of sound sample collection and testing protocols helps us deliver fast, accurate turn times in a range of areas. For instance, our firm is working hard to test water supplies for an array of contaminants and provide similar services to products, pharmaceutics, and more.